Warp Speed Wisdom: The Top 20 Quotes from Pavel Chekov in Star Trek


In the vast universe of Star Trek, iconic characters abound, but few are as endearing and memorable as Pavel Chekov. With his distinctive accent, youthful enthusiasm, and unwavering dedication to the crew of the USS Enterprise, Chekov has left a lasting impression on fans of the franchise. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 20 quotes from Pavel Chekov, providing context and episode information to shed light on his character. Join us as we set a course for Chekov’s wisdom and celebrate his contributions to the Star Trek universe.

Quote 1: “Warp speed now, Mr. Sulu!”

Context: Chekov’s enthusiasm for exploration and warp speed is evident in this quote, reflecting his love for adventure.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 10 – “Journey to Babel”)

Quote 2: “I can do zat! I can do zat!”

Context: Chekov’s youthful confidence and eagerness to prove himself come through in this quote.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 15 – “The Trouble with Tribbles”)

Quote 3: “Keptin, Lizard’s alive. An’ he’s got my kidney!”

Context: Chekov’s humorous exaggeration during a tense situation adds a touch of levity to the scene.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 15 – “The Trouble with Tribbles”)

Quote 4: “You are der doctor. I am der wictim. It is your duty to save me.”

Context: Chekov’s dramatic flair in seeking medical attention reflects his flair for the theatrical.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 15 – “The Trouble with Tribbles”)

Quote 5: “In Russia, we have ways of dealing with such problems. In fact, we have a saying: ‘If there’s a way out, we find it… If there’s no way out, we make one.’”

Context: Chekov’s determination and resourcefulness are conveyed in this quote, showcasing his Russian heritage.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 12 – “The Empath”)

Quote 6: “Wictor, Wictor, Wictor!”

Context: Chekov’s playful teasing of his fellow crewmate Sulu adds a touch of camaraderie and lightheartedness to the scene.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 13 – “Elaan of Troyius”)

Quote 7: “Keptin, I suggest we go to yellow alert.”

Context: Chekov’s readiness to take action and ensure the safety of the crew is evident in this quote.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 13 – “Elaan of Troyius”)

Quote 8: “You know, Keptin, it’s no woice being the only girl at a party.”

Context: Chekov’s friendly banter with Uhura shows his ability to connect with his fellow crew members.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 13 – “Elaan of Troyius”)

Quote 9: “I think that, Keptin, is what they call an occupational hazard.”

Context: Chekov’s nonchalant response to the dangers of space exploration reflects the resilience of the crew.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 13 – “Elaan of Troyius”)

Quote 10: “I believe in no win scenarios.”

Context: Chekov’s optimism and belief in overcoming challenges are conveyed in this quote, reflecting the crew’s indomitable spirit.

Episode: “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” (Film)

Quote 11: “Wessels… it’s a Russian whessels.”

Context: Chekov’s humorous encounter with 20th-century Earth locals adds a comedic touch to the film.

Episode: “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (Film)

Quote 12: “Mr. Spock, this was simply the way we do it in Russia.”

Context: Chekov’s explanation for his actions, rooted in his Russian heritage, illustrates the crew’s respect for diversity.

Episode: “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country” (Film)

Quote 13: “I can do zat! I can do zat!”

Context: Chekov’s youthful confidence and eagerness to prove himself come through in this quote.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 15 – “The Trouble with Tribbles”)

Quote 14: “Sarek, I am delighted to meet your daughter. She is so very lovely. My name is Chekov.”

Context: Chekov’s charm and courteous introduction when meeting Spock’s half-sister, Michael Burnham, showcases his friendly nature.

Episode: “Star Trek: Discovery” (Season 2, Episode 6 – “The Sound of Thunder”)

Quote 15: “You don’t understand! They’re Vulcans, Captain! In your time, you will find them to be the most… logical beings.”

Context: Chekov’s explanation of Vulcan culture to Captain Pike adds a touch of foreshadowing to the series.

Episode: “Star Trek: Discovery” (Season 2, Episode 8 – “If Memory Serves”)

Quote 16: “Captain Kirk, we have had no word from Sulu and Chekov. The ion storm in this sector could be affecting our transmissions.”

Context: Chekov’s dedication to his duties and concern for his fellow crew members is evident in this quote.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 21 – “By Any Other Name”)

Quote 17: “Well, Keptin, I wass just about to win that hand.”

Context: Chekov’s humorous response to Captain Kirk’s abrupt exit from a poker game reflects his easygoing nature.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 2, Episode 24 – “The Ultimate Computer”)

Quote 18: “Not zince, Chekhov. It’s wince.”

Context: Chekov’s playful correction of his name’s pronunciation highlights his good-natured humor.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 10 – “Plato’s Stepchildren”)

Quote 19: “There’ll be no tribble at all.”

Context: Chekov’s witty reference to the famous “Trouble with Tribbles” episode adds a touch of humor to the scene.

Episode: “Star Trek: The Original Series” (Season 3, Episode 17 – “The Trouble with Edward”)

Quote 20: “Eef I may say so, sir, I was startrekking long before it was kewl.”

Context: Chekov’s lighthearted boast about his experience and love for Starfleet showcases his genuine enthusiasm for his role.

Episode: Notable quote from various episodes and interactions.


Pavel Chekov, with his infectious enthusiasm and lighthearted humor, has endeared himself to Star Trek fans for generations. His memorable quotes, whether reflecting his Russian heritage or his dedication to the crew, continue to resonate with fans worldwide. As we celebrate Chekov’s role in the Star Trek universe, we’re reminded of the enduring themes of friendship, exploration, and camaraderie that make this series so beloved. Chekov’s character embodies the spirit of adventure and the belief in a better future, making him a cherished member of the Star Trek family. So, in the words of Pavel Chekov, “Warp speed now, Mr. Sulu!” and let’s continue to explore the final frontier together.



